The AMMI™ Elite Health Physical

Your Comprehensive Baseline Evaluation. The evaluation includes a physical examination, special diagnostics, a comprehensive nutrition and exercise consultation and an open-ended physician consultation usually lasting two hours. Dr. Rob will discuss with you his findings based on your labs, diagnostic studies, medical history and lifestyle. After every issue has been thoroughly discussed and all of your questions answered, a comprehensive program will be designed and presented to you that both you and Dr. Rob agree upon. This program will enable you to achieve both your short-term and long-term fitness and health goals.

The Executive Health Evaluation $4995, includes interpretation of comprehensive blood work/urinalysis, an in-depth battery of diagnostics far beyond any annual checkup (health, lifestyle, exercise and neurological assessments), two-three hours with Dr. Rob, a comprehensive nutrition/exercise consultation and customized recommendations.

Recommendations made by Dr. Rob are based on multiple factors:

  • Lifestyle
  • Medical history
  • Comprehensive lab results
  • Physical examination
  • Body composition
  • Fitness level
  • Neuro-cognitive assessment

Each health optimization plan recommendation is individualized considering your medical needs and overall healthcare goals.

Dr. Rob, America’s Fitness Doctor™

Annual Price: $4995.00
Monthly Installment Price: $1995.00 1st month, $335 per month thereafter
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